วันศุกร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Title: The Evil Landlady Action Maze
Aim: To practice reading and learning new vocabulary
Level: Lower intermediate
Time: 50 minutes
Technical Requirements: One computer per group of 4 students, with Internet connection
and Web browser.
Preparation: Teacher searches for reading maze "The Evil Landlady Action Maze" from
internet and prepare it for students.
Teacher leads students into the lesson by asks them questions about the reading maze"The Evil Landlady Action Maze" for example;
Who are live in apartment?
What is about your landlady?
What are you want to do with a fussy landlady?
The teacher forms the students in group of 4 per one computer and explains them how to use the reading maze "The Evil Landlady Action Maze".
The students read the reading maze "The Evil Landlady Action Maze"and try to choose the choices of each page. Each group discusses about the reading maze.
The teacher checks the discussion of the student too sure that they understand the maze.
The teacher lets each group presents their discussion in front of the class about "What are you doing if you were in this situation in the maze?
Follow up: Each group tries to read and discuss their own in the reading maze clearly. Then the teacher checks their discussion and let them to present in front of the class.
Notes: Elicit from the students some discussion or the examples, which the teacher thinks it is not suitable to do and which is, should to do. If they face with the situation in this reading maze.

My guard

He is my hero.